
Opening a file in python for mac
Opening a file in python for mac

  1. #Opening a file in python for mac how to
  2. #Opening a file in python for mac mac os x
  3. #Opening a file in python for mac full
  4. #Opening a file in python for mac windows

chdir()).Python Dictionaries Access Items Change Items Add Items Remove Items Loop Dictionaries Copy Dictionaries Nested Dictionaries Dictionary Methods Dictionary Exercise Python If.Else Python While Loops Python For Loops Python Functions Python Lambda Python Arrays Python Classes/Objects Python Inheritance Python Iterators Python Scope Python Modules Python Dates Python Math Python JSON Python RegEx Python PIP Python Try. getcwd()) and change it into a different directory (.

#Opening a file in python for mac how to

Below illustrates how to find your CWD (. Python module os provides utilities for displaying and modifying your current working directory. I tried to use this command to open the file but it doesn’t work: rhinoFile '/my/path/file.3dm' rs. This should be repeated for a list of files, that are in different paths. See this screen shot and and the next section for how to work with your CWD setting in Python shell. I would like to create a script that opens a 3dm file, performs a simple operation (add a box), save the model and close the model. (Not recommended, since your shell's CWD may change.) It could be done with, for example, Electron Electron.

#Opening a file in python for mac mac os x

Change your CWD to the file's directory, or Answer (1 of 2): You can use something like py2exe or py2app Python Package Index, py2app - Create standalone Mac OS X applications with Python Or, you can try client-server architecture, and implement client-side app as a standalone app.Unless your file happens to be in your CWD, you have two options: (Mac users should see this FAQ for how to change your setting.) This program is an extremely useful tool for a variety of things, including running Python programs.

opening a file in python for mac

To start, search Spotlight in the upper right-hand corner of your Mac for a program called ‘Terminal’. In OS-X, it is usually '/Users/username/Documents' where username is your user ID. One of these is the ability to open files and Sublime itself from the command line. In Windows, the default location is often 'C:/program Files (x86)/Python35-32' (which is inconvenient - see this "Basic Configurations" page or this FAQ for how to change it). In your shell, the initial CWD setting varies by system. Myfile = open( 'alice.txt') # alice.txt is in the same dir as foo.py Therefore, you can refer to a file in a script by its name only provided that the file and the script are in the same directory. When you execute your script, your CWD is set to the directory where your script is. Also, your Python has different initial CWD settings depending on whether you are working with a Python script or in a shell environment. But bear in mind that your CWD may change. This means that a name-only reference will be successful only when the file is in your Python's CWD. But if your file reference does not start from the top (e.g., 'alice.txt', 'ling1330/alice.txt'), Python assumes that it starts in the CWD (a " relative path"). So far we have been using the absolute path, which begins from the topmost directory.

opening a file in python for mac

You can think of it as the folder your Python is operating inside at the moment.

opening a file in python for mac

The concept of Current Working Directory (CWD) is crucial here. However, you might have seen files called by their name only, e.g., 'alice.txt' in Python.

#Opening a file in python for mac full

So, using the full directory path and file name always works you should be using this method. That way, everything in the string is interpreted as a literal character, and you don't have to escape every backslash.įile Name Shortcuts and CWD (Current Working Directory) The open () function returns a file object, which has a read () method for reading the content of the. Good Luck To open the file, use the built-in open () function. Mac OS X 10.8 comes with Python 2.7 pre-installed by Apple.

  • Alternatively, you can prefix the entire file name string with the rawstring marker "r": r'C:\Users\narae\Desktop\alice.txt'. Assume we have the following file, located in the same folder as Python: demofile.txt. Python on a Macintosh running Mac OS X is in principle very similar to Python on any other Unix platform, but there are a number of additional features such as the IDE and the Package Manager that are worth pointing out.
  • opening a file in python for mac

  • If using backslash, because it is a special character in Python, you must remember to escape every instance: 'C:\\Users.
  • Therefore, you can refer to the file as 'C:/Users/narae/Desktop/alice.txt'.
  • Python lets you use OS-X/Linux style slashes "/" even in Windows.
  • #Opening a file in python for mac windows

    Python allows using both in a Windows system, but there are a couple of pitfalls to watch out for. That is because natively, Windows file path employs the backslash "\" instead of the slash. In Windows, there are a couple additional ways of referencing a file. You can look up a file's full directory path and file name through its "Properties". Directories are separated by a slash "/". In Linux and OS-X, it starts with "/", which is called root. In Windows, a full file directory path starts with a drive letter (C:, D. myfile = open( '/Users/narae/Desktop/alice.txt') # Mac and Linux > mytxt = myfile.read()

    Opening a file in python for mac